direct to florists
If you are a florist looking for local flowers then this is for you!
We sell our flowers wholesale for local florists with a Tax ID number. Our flowers are harvested at the optimal time and stored using the best industry practices to ensure flowers stay fresh as long as possible. During the off-season, view our fresh sheet for a list of flowers and varieties we grow and their monthly availability.
During the growing season, our farm is a proud member of the Rooted Farmers network. We offer flowers through the Northerly Flora Collective in the cities and directly through our profile to florists around the Rochester area. We post our weekly availability there, and shopping through Rooted Farmers allows our designers to place their orders online, in real time.
There is no cost for you to become a member! On Rooted, designers have access to one-stop online shopping across multiple farms simultaneously, or you can choose to shop only from a specific farm if that is your preference. You are able to search for specific flowers, search by color, or search by design element. Orders are paid for on delivery or pickup, as specified at the time of order.
Ready to start buying our gorgeous flowers? All you have to do is apply here:
Meet Your Farmers
Breaking the mold of what agriculture in the Midwest looks like
We seek to rebuild our soils through organic and minimal-till farming practices while simultaneously diversifying our crops. We are young farmers growing a wide array of cut flowers exclusively for our local community. This farm is situated on traditionally Dakota land in the Driftless Region of southeastern Minnesota.
Why Local
Know Your Blooms: The Local Advantage in Transparency and Freshness!
Flowers from the traditional floral trade travel hundreds of miles in refrigerated compartments of airplanes and semi trucks, often out of water and having to sit for days in a chemical quarantine to ensure no foreign pests or diseases enter into the United States as they cross borders.
Local flowers don’t have to go through such a crazy journey to get to their end consumer. You can know exactly where your flowers were grown, when they were harvested, and what chemicals (or lack thereof) they came into contact with.