All Summer Bouquet CSA


Buy your CSA bouquets for the entire summer and get the best deal! Originally priced at $25 per bouquet, you can now get each for just $23. Purchase once now to get fantastic blooms all summer long!

Watch the season change week to week with luxe, locally grown bouquetsdelivered to Rochester or Eagan every THURSDAYS June-September.

Receive flowers every Thursday throughout June, July, August, & September. We have two drop off locations for our bouquet CSA; Dunn Brother Coffee & Provisions in Eagan, MN (1012 Diffley Rd, Eagan, MN 55123) & Forager Brewery in Rochester, MN (1005 6th St NW). Please respect these partners by picking up your CSA every week within the following time windows. Thank you.

Eagan CSAs will be delivered weekly on Thursdays throughout the summer to Dunn Brothers. Please pick up your bouquet anytime between 9am and 1pm. 

Rochester CSAs will be delivered for the remainder of the season weekly on Thursdays through the summer to Forager Brewery. Please pick up your bouquet anytime between 10am and 7pm.

Are you intending to buy two CSA bouquets from different pickup locations? Please either make separate purchases for each location or send us an email to specify the destinations for the bouquets.

Note:  This does not include the Tulip CSA and please order that separately if interested.

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Buy your CSA bouquets for the entire summer and get the best deal! Originally priced at $25 per bouquet, you can now get each for just $23. Purchase once now to get fantastic blooms all summer long!

Watch the season change week to week with luxe, locally grown bouquetsdelivered to Rochester or Eagan every THURSDAYS June-September.

Receive flowers every Thursday throughout June, July, August, & September. We have two drop off locations for our bouquet CSA; Dunn Brother Coffee & Provisions in Eagan, MN (1012 Diffley Rd, Eagan, MN 55123) & Forager Brewery in Rochester, MN (1005 6th St NW). Please respect these partners by picking up your CSA every week within the following time windows. Thank you.

Eagan CSAs will be delivered weekly on Thursdays throughout the summer to Dunn Brothers. Please pick up your bouquet anytime between 9am and 1pm. 

Rochester CSAs will be delivered for the remainder of the season weekly on Thursdays through the summer to Forager Brewery. Please pick up your bouquet anytime between 10am and 7pm.

Are you intending to buy two CSA bouquets from different pickup locations? Please either make separate purchases for each location or send us an email to specify the destinations for the bouquets.

Note:  This does not include the Tulip CSA and please order that separately if interested.

Buy your CSA bouquets for the entire summer and get the best deal! Originally priced at $25 per bouquet, you can now get each for just $23. Purchase once now to get fantastic blooms all summer long!

Watch the season change week to week with luxe, locally grown bouquetsdelivered to Rochester or Eagan every THURSDAYS June-September.

Receive flowers every Thursday throughout June, July, August, & September. We have two drop off locations for our bouquet CSA; Dunn Brother Coffee & Provisions in Eagan, MN (1012 Diffley Rd, Eagan, MN 55123) & Forager Brewery in Rochester, MN (1005 6th St NW). Please respect these partners by picking up your CSA every week within the following time windows. Thank you.

Eagan CSAs will be delivered weekly on Thursdays throughout the summer to Dunn Brothers. Please pick up your bouquet anytime between 9am and 1pm. 

Rochester CSAs will be delivered for the remainder of the season weekly on Thursdays through the summer to Forager Brewery. Please pick up your bouquet anytime between 10am and 7pm.

Are you intending to buy two CSA bouquets from different pickup locations? Please either make separate purchases for each location or send us an email to specify the destinations for the bouquets.

Note:  This does not include the Tulip CSA and please order that separately if interested.

September Bouquet CSA - 4 weeks
June Bouquet CSA - 4 weeks
August Bouquet CSA - 4 weeks
July Bouquet CSA - 5 weeks
Tulips Bouquet CSA - 4 weeks